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8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 5 ;" "; 2 ;" ": 2 ********************** 1 scr 1 quizBook Vj 1 per=((sc/qu)*100 1 n$(a)=n$(b) 1 n$(a),x$,z$,o$: 1 j$(a)="BLANDFORD": 1 data store for udg 1 c$,x$,z$,o$: 1 an=(sc/qu)*10 1 What animal was put into a pot of tea ?","DORMOUSE","$" 1 The Blanford Family Quiz 1 QuizBook 1 Original Release 1 Loaned from Chris Thompson 1 General knowledge Languages & LiteratureNature & Science Sport and Music Geography and History 1 Damian Richardson 1 Blanford Press Ltd. 1 BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD BLANDFORD 1 ;sc;" out of ";qu;"." 1 ;"Your score is....": 1 ;"Your final score is....." 1 ;"Your answer please,": 1 ;"Your answer of......." 1 ;"You have got one of today's highscores.Please type in name. (Max. 10 letters)" 1 ;"You chose,": 1 ;"Which of the following subjects do you want to be tested on? " 1 ;"Well Done." 1 ;"WRONG !!!" 1 ;"Today's highest scores" 1 ;"To stop music hold down any key.": 1 ;"To exit press the 'X' key." 1 ;"This is a program based on....": 1 ;"The section chosen......"; 1 ;"The correct answer is....."; 1 ;"The Blandford paperback," 1 ;"The Blandford Family Quiz Book" 1 ;"RIGHT !!!" 1 ;"Question ";v 1 ;"Program by Damian Richardson" 1 ;"Press....."; 1 ;"Press any key." 1 ;"Press any key": 1 ;"PROGRAM LOADING"; 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT" 1 ;"How many questions do you want ?" 1 ;"Edited by Elizabeth Young,": 1 ;"Do you want to see today highestscores ? (y/n)" 1 ;"Are you sure you want to exit from the program (Y/N) . " 1 ;"(5) Geography and History." 1 ;"(4) Sport and Music,"; 1 ;"(3) for 30 Questions." 1 ;"(3) Nature & Science ,"; 1 ;"(2) for 20 Questions,"; 1 ;"(2) Languages & Literature ,"; 1 ;"(1) for 10 Questions,"; 1 ;"(1) General knowledge,"; 1 ;" The answer to the question is, " 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888p 1 1TZXed by Andrew Barker 1 *The Blandford Family* 1 * Quiz book * 1 ((sc/qu)*100 1 "z","Who was the patron saint of Wales ?","DAVID","ST DAVID" 1 "z","Where was Drake playing bowls when the Armada was reported ?","PLYMOUTH","PLYMOUTH HOE" 1 "z","Where is the world famous churchof St Mark ?","VENICE","$" 1 "z","What is a Khaki Campbell ?","DUCK","A LAYING DUCK" 1 "z","What does 'ad infinitum' mean ?","NEVER ENDING","$" 1 "y","Who escaped from prison disguised as a Washer woman ?","TOAD","$" 1 "y","What were the contestants in a Roman arena called ?","GLADIATORS","$" 1 "y","What is the breeding female of adomestic cat called ?","QUEEN","A QUEEN" 1 "y","What is a teal ?","DUCK","SMALL DUCK" 1 "y","What city stands on the Moskva River ?","MOSCOW","$" 1 "x","Who or what was the Mistress of the Adriatic ?","VENICE","$" 1 "x","What type of animal takes its name from Przewalski ?","HORSE","A RARE HORSE" 1 "x","The world's only nationwide pop music radio station began in 1967. What is it called ?","RADIO 1","BBC RADIO 1" 1 "x","Give the date of Lady Day ?","25TH MARCH","$" 1 "x","Complete the phrase .Darby and _____ .","JOAN","$" 1 "w","Who created the character LemuelGulliver ?","SWIFT","JONATHAN SWIFT" 1 "w","Which is the fastest animal ?","CHEETAH","$" 1 "w","Where did Shakespeare live in his youth ?","STRATFORD","$" 1 "w","What is the capital of Tasmania?","HOBART","$" 1 "w","What is a synthesiser ?","ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD","$" 1 "v","Who wrote under the nom-de-plumeBoz ?","CHARLES DICKENS","$" 1 "v","Which famous figure in English History had a wart on his face ?","CROMWELL","OLIVER CROMWELL" 1 "v","Where does a whitlow form ?","FINGER","ON THE FINGER" 1 "v","In music which is longer a minimor a semibreve ?","SEMIBREVE","$" 1 "v","From where does the following expression come .'Grinning like a Cheshire cat '","ALICE IN WONDERLAND","$" 1 "u","Who was Karl Marx ?","SOCIALIST","A GERMAN SOCIALIST" 1 "u","Who sold his birthright for a mess of potage ?","ESAU","$" 1 "u","Which iron golf club was known as a mashie ?","5","5 IRON" 1 "u","In connection with which diseaseis Insulin used ?","DIABETES","$" 1 "u","All that glitters is not ____ . What is the missing word .","GOLD","$" 1 "t","Which book is the world's best seller","BIBLE","THE BIBLE" 1 "t","Which bitter oranges are used for making marmalade ?","SEVILLE","$" 1 "t","What is the surname of the person who invented the telephone ?","BELL","$" 1 "t","Name Germany's best golfer sincethe war ?","LANGER","BERNHARD LANGER" 1 "t","Complete the following phrase. Goods and _____","CHATTELS","$" 1 "s","Where do we get Raffia from ?","MADAGASCAR","$" 1 "s","In golf for how long may a player search for a ball before it is deemed lost? (in minutes using numbers) ","5","$" 1 "s","Give the previous name of Leningrad ?","ST PETERSBURG","$" 1 "s","From what is Saccharin derived ?","TAR","COAL TAR" 1 "s","Complete the following pair.Gog and ____","MAGOG","$" 1 "r","Who wrote 'Whiteoaks' ?","DE LA ROCHE","MAZO DE LA ROCHE" 1 "r","When is American Independence Day?","4TH JULY","$" 1 "r","What animal appears in the Old Testament story of Balaam?","ASS","$" 1 "r","In which sport is a Puck used ?","ICE HOCKEY","$" 1 "r","Give the plural of Talisman ?","TALISMANS","$" 1 "q","Who or what is E.L.O. ?","ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA","$" 1 "q","Which city overlooks the River St. Charles and is near a very famous plain ?","QUEBEC","$" 1 "q","What is the opposite of Improvement ?","DETERIORATION","$" 1 "q","What is connected with St. Moritz ?","WINTER SPORTS","WINTER SPORTS" 1 "q","What is a Cantaloup ?","MELON","$" 1 "p","Who was the founder of the Jesuits ?","IGNATIUS","IGNATIUS LOYOLA" 1 "p","Which South African Doubles specialist was famous for his white cap ?","MCMILLAN","FREW MCMILLAN" 1 "p","Name the Great White whale ?","MOBY DICK","$" 1 "p","In which forest was an English King killed by an arrow ?","NEW FOREST","$" 1 "o","Who was generally acclaimed to be the best player never to win Wimbledon ?","ROSEWALL","KEN ROSEWALL" 1 "o","Who founded Sunday schools ?","RAIKES","ROBERT RAIKES" 1 "o","What name is given to the grass lands of Russia ?","STEPPES","THE STEPPES" 1 "o","To what family does the ladybirdbelong ?","BEETLE","$" 1 "o","Complete the following.As cold as _____.","CHARITY","$" 1 "n","Who wrote about a boastful Toad ?","GRAHAME","KENNETH GRAHAME" 1 "n","Who was the wife of Louis XVI ?","ANTOINETTE","MARIE ANTOINETTE" 1 "n","What does the musical term 'fortissimo' mean ?","LOUD","VERY LOUD" 1 "n","In which year did Virginia Wade win the Wimbledon Ladies SinglesTitle ?","1977","$" 1 "n","Fill in the blank.Daphne Du Maurier:____ Inn.","JAMAICA","$" 1 "m","Who was the first Red Indian bride of an English man ?","POCAHONTAS","PRINCESS POCAHONTAS" 1 "m","What is the length of a tennis court in feet ?","78","$" 1 "m","What is a female fox called ?","VIXEN","$" 1 "m","What is a cachalot ?","WHALE","SPERM WHALE" 1 "m","Complete the following.Cut your coat according to your ____","CLOTH","$" 1 "l","What was the name of the Duchessof Windsor before her marriage to the Duke ?","SIMPSON","$" 1 "l","What kind of event is the Calgary stampede ?","RODEO","$" 1 "l","What is it that a rolling stone will not gather ?","MOSS","$" 1 "l","What does a cooper manufacture ?","BARRELS","WOODEN BARRELS" 1 "l","What animal is sacred to Hindus ?","COW","WHITE COW" 1 "k","Who shot an arrow through an apple on his son's head ?","TELL","WILLIAM TELL" 1 "k","Who called England a nation of shopkeepers ?","NAPOLEON","$" 1 "k","Which Roman sport is a feature of Ben Hur ?","CHARIOT RACING","$" 1 "k","What was Diana the Princess of Wales' maiden name ?","SPENCER","$" 1 "k","What is a Jennet ?","HORSE","SMALL SPANISH HORSE" 1 "j","Who wrote 'The Nutmeg Tree' ?","SHARP","MARGERY SHARP" 1 "j","What is the sex of a glow-worm ?","FEMALE","$" 1 "j","What is another name for Mercury ?","QUICKSILVER","$" 1 "j","What animal is reputed to have the best memory ?","ELEPHANT","$" 1 "j","In Golf, which year did Europeanplayers join the British Ryder Cup team ?","1979","$" 1 "i","Will the year 2000 be a leap year ? 'YES/NO'","YES","$" 1 "i","Which city is often known as Auld Reekie ?","EDINBURGH","$" 1 "i","What is the largest mammal in the Antarctic ?","WHALE","$" 1 "i","In American football ,how many points are scored for a touch down ? (use numbers)","6","$" 1 "i","Complete the following phrases. Part and _____","PARCEL","$" 1 "h","With which sport do you associate Ian Botham ?","CRICKET","$" 1 "h","What was the name of Anna Sewell's mare ?","BLACK BEAUTY","$" 1 "h","What is produced in Gruyere ?","CHEESE","$" 1 "h","Mix tin with antimony,bismuth orcopper to get what ?","PEWTER","$" 1 "h","Islamabad is the capital of whatcountry ?","PAKISTAN","$" 1 "g","Where is the Yosemite Valley ?","CALIFORNIA","$" 1 "g","What was Thailand previously named ?","SIAM","$" 1 "g","What was Evonne Cawley's maiden name ?","GOOLAGONG","$" 1 "g","What is the common name for the Arabian gazelle hound ?","SALUKI","$" 1 "g","In which book does the characterSam Weller appear ?","PICKWICK PAPERS","$" 1 "f","Who was found in the bulrushes by Pharaoh's daughter ?","MOSES","$" 1 "f","Who is the only man ever to havewon five singles titles in a rowat Wimbledon ?","BORG","BJORN BORG" 1 "f","Where are the Iguassu falls ?","ARGENTINA","$" 1 "f","What was the nationality of MarkTwain ?","AMERICAN","$" 1 "f","The oil from certain Australian trees can be used as an antiseptic. What are the trees ?","EUCALYPTUS","$" 1 "extremly poor indeed","very poor indeed","very poor","well below average","below average","average","just above average","above average","good","very good","excellent" 1 "e","Who wrote 'Under the Greenwood Tree ?","HARDY","THOMAS HARDY" 1 "e","Who was Henry VIII's first wife?","KATHARINE","KATHARINE OF ARAGON" 1 "e","Which famous group's first record was entitled Come On ?","ROLLING STONES","$" 1 "e","Which Famous poet was blind ?","MILTON","$" 1 "e","What animal does one associate with Lapland ?","REINDEER","$" 1 "d","Which piano playing rock'n'roll artiste is associated with Greatballs of Fire?","LEE LEWIS","JERRY LEE LEWIS" 1 "d","Which is an alloy - copper , bronze,tin or gold ?","BRONZE","$" 1 "d","Where is the Bodleian Library ?","OXFORD","$" 1 "d","What is the biggest bird in the world ?","OSTRICH","$" 1 "d","Charles Lamb wrote 'The essays of _____ ?","ELIA","$" 1 "c","Which cat has tufted ears ?","LYNX","$" 1 "c","What school did Tom Brown attend ?","RUGBY","$" 1 "c","What is the white,or bluish , precious stone from Brazil and the Urals ?","BERYL","$" 1 "c","What game was played in an extraordinary manner in 'Alice in Wonderland' ?","CROQUET","$" 1 "c","How many acres are there in a square mile ?","640","$" 1 "b","With what does the science of conchology deal ?","SHELLS","$" 1 "b","Which sport is associated with the name of Jehengir Khan ?","SQUASH","$" 1 "b","Which country had the Lion of Judah emblazoned in the middle of its flag ?","ETHIOPIA","$" 1 "b","What word means 'cat-like' ?","FELINE","$" 1 "b","What was the name of the dog in Three men in a boat ?","MONTMORENCY","$" 1 "a","What is the name given to the wild or half-tamed horse in California ?","BRONCO","$" 1 "a","What is the maximum number of clubs permitted during a round of Golf ?","14","$" 1 "a","Give the last letter of the Greek alphabet .","OMEGA","$" 1 "a","Complete the pair ,the Lion and the ______ ","UNICORN","$" 1 "a","A vehicle displaying the International identity mark CH would be from which country ?","SWITZERLAND","$" 1 "N","Who wrote Rhapsody in Blue ?","GERSHWIN","GEORGE GERSHWIN" 1 "N","Who created Starveling the Tailor ?","SHAKESPEARE","$" 1 "N","What name do we give to the young of the otter ?","KITTENS","$" 1 "N","What is the capital of Brazil ?","BRASILIA","$" 1 "N","What is an anodyne ?","PAIN RELIEVER","$" 1 "M","Who created Richard Hannay ?","BUCHAN","JOHN BUCHAN" 1 "M","Which International rugby team are called the All Blacks ?","NEW ZEALAND","$" 1 "M","Where was the Colossus ?","RHODES","$" 1 "M","What is an Anaconda ?","SNAKE","A SNAKE" 1 "M","Name the famous volcano on Sicily ?","ETNA","$" 1 "L","Who was the husband of Guinevere?","ARTHUR","$" 1 "L","Which is the odd one out ? Diamond,Emerald,Topaz,Opal or Amethyst.","OPAL","$" 1 "L","Which famous Danish speedway rider retired in 1983 ?","OLSEN","OLE OLSEN" 1 "L","What is Hans Christian Andersen famous for ?","FAIRY TALES","$" 1 "L","What does the term Upper Ten mean ?","ARISTOCRACY","$" 1 "K","Who wrote the hymn 'O God our help in ages past' ?","WATTS","ISAAC WATTS" 1 "K","Who was Queen Victoria's consort ?","ALBERT","PRINCE ALBERT" 1 "K","Who was Dr Johnson's biographer?","BOSWELL","$" 1 "K","What is steatite ?","SOAPSTONE","$" 1 "K","What is a tyro ?","BEGINNER","A BEGINNER" 1 "J","Who was the first husband of Mary Queen of Scots ?","DAUPHIN","THE DAUPHIN" 1 "J","Who created Christopher Robin ?","MILNE","A A MILNE" 1 "J","What is Peridot ?","GEM","A GREEN GEM" 1 "J","In the chanting of psalms what are the divisions called ?","POINTING","$" 1 "J","How many sides has a hexagon ? (in numbers)","6","$" 1 "I","Who married William of Orange ?","MARY","PRINCESS MARY" 1 "I","Who is known as the Walrus in golf ?","STADLER","CRAIG STADLER" 1 "I","Who created Rogue Herries ?","WALPOLE","HUGH WALPOLE" 1 "I","What does the term 'Circa' mean ?","ABOUT","$" 1 "I","One of the main sources of atomic energy comes from Canada.What is the material ?","URANIUM","$" 1 "H","Who won the U.S. Masters in 1983?","BALLESTEROS","SEVERIANO BALLESTEROS" 1 "H","Who takes the title of Excellency ?","AMBASSADORS","$" 1 "H","Who created Heathcliff ?","EMILY BRONTE","$" 1 "H","Where is Table Mountain ?","CAPE TOWN","$" 1 "H","What is natural diamond ?","FUSED CARBON","$" 1 "General knowledge","Languages & Literature","Nature & Science","Sport and Music","Geography and History" 1 "G","Who wrote Jane Eyre ?","CHARLOTTE BRONTE","$" 1 "G","Where was the British open held in its first 11 years ?","PRESTWICK","$" 1 "G","What does the Menai Bridge connect with the main land ?","ANGLESEY","ISLE OF ANGLESEY" 1 "G","How many legs has a fly ? (in numbers)","6","$" 1 "G","Give the meaning of Raconteur.","STORY TELLER","A STORY TELLER" 1 "F","What is the name of the sand banks off Deal ?","GOODWINS","$" 1 "F","What is the diameter of the earth ? (in miles in numbers)","8000","$" 1 "F","What does the musical term 'Diminuendo' mean ?","SOFTER","GETTING SOFTER" 1 "F","Give the opposite of noise .","SILENCE","$" 1 "F","From what animal do we get veal?","CALF","$" 1 "E","Who was the world 1983 Motor racing champion ?","PIQUET","NELSON PIQUET" 1 "E","What is an escalope ?","SHELLFISH","$" 1 "E","What is a hyperbole ?","EXAGGERATION","AN EXAGGERATION" 1 "E","Is Antrim in Northern Ireland orEire ?","NORTHERN IRELAND","$" 1 "E","Give the opposite of attraction.","REPULSION","$" 1 "D","Who won the Wimbledon Ladies' singles title in 1983 ?","NAVRATILOVA","MARTINA NAVRATILOVA" 1 "D","What is a yam ?","POTATO","A SWEET POTATO" 1 "D","What animal can be seen on the flag of Berlin ?","BEAR","A BLACK BEAR" 1 "D","Give the opposite of pride .","HUMILITY","$" 1 "D","Give the name for a young swan ?","CYGNET","$" 1 "C","Who won the Wightman cup in 1983","USA","$" 1 "C","Who was the first king of Israel?","SAUL","$" 1 "C","What is a yak ?","OX","A LARGE OX" 1 "C","The Flag of which country consists of red,yellow,and blackvertical stripes ?","WEST GERMANY","$" 1 "C","In what poem does Coleridge refer to an albatross ?","ANCIENT MARINER","THE ANCIENT MARINER" 1 "B","Which British Prime minister owned a Derby winner ?","ROSEBERY","LORD ROSEBERY" 1 "B","What was the name of Esau's brother ?","JACOB","$" 1 "B","What is the highest structure inParis ?","EIFFEL TOWER","$" 1 "B","What is a Halibut ?","FISH","A LARGE FISH" 1 "B","Fill in the missing word .He also serves who only _____ and waits.","STANDS","$" 1 "A","With what was corn threshed prior to the threshing machine?","FLAIL","$" 1 "A","Where is the Wall Game played ?","ETON","$" 1 "A","What is the name of the cathedral of Paris ?","NOTRE DAME","$" 1 "A","What is a Chameleom ?","REPTILE","A SMALL REPTILE" 1 "A","Fill in the missig word .My kingdom for a ____.","HORSE","$" 1 "9","Who won the 1982 World cup in Football ?","ITALY","$" 1 "9","Who did Ruth marry ?","BOAZ","$" 1 "9","What is the name given to rubberas it flows from a tapped tree ?","LATEX","$" 1 "9","What is the missing colour?OscarWilde:The Picture of Dorian ____","GRAY","$" 1 "9","For what number does MDCCCLXVI stand ?","1866","$" 1 "8","What is the meaning of 'Sobriquet' ?","NICKNAME","$" 1 "8","What animal figures in the storyof the foundation of Rome ?","WOLF","$" 1 "8","Name the female of the drake ?","DUCK","$" 1 "8","Name the capital of Finland ?","HELSINKI","$" 1 "8","In which game is a shuttlecock used ?","BADMINTON","$" 1 "7","Who was the founder of the Quakers ?","FOX","GEORGE FOX" 1 "7","Who said,'My patience is exhausted.' ?","HITLER","$" 1 "7","Is Burma to the east or west of India ?","EAST","$" 1 "7","In which year did the yacht racefor the America's Cup originate?","1851","$" 1 "7","In what country is the koala bear found ?","AUSTRALIA","$" 1 "6","Which American rock'n'roll singer died after a car crash inEngland in April 1960 ?","COCHRAN","EDDIE COCHRAN" 1 "6","What is the tallest animal in the world ?","GIRAFFE","$" 1 "6","What is the highest mountain in Great Britain ?","BEN NEVIS","$" 1 "6","From which animal is lard obtained?","PIG","$" 1 "6","Complete the following ,As merryas a _____ .","CRICKET","$" 1 "5","Which composer became stone deaf?","BEETHOVEN","$" 1 "5","Where is Tipperary ?","EIRE","$" 1 "5","What is the opposite of Discord?","HARMONY","$" 1 "5","What fruit,grown chiefly in India ,is used in making chutney,pickles and curry ?","MANGO","$" 1 "5","Discs,platters,sides,45s are allpopular names for what ?","RECORDS","$" 1 "4","What is the correct name for a bunch of bananas ?","HAND","$" 1 "4","What is the chief material used in making glass ?","SAND","$" 1 "4","In which Australian state is Melbourne ?","VICTORIA","$" 1 "4","British Tv has the world's longest running weekly pop musicshow.What is it called ?","TOP OF THE POPS","$" 1 "4","'Much cry,little ____ '.What is the missing word?","WOOL","$" 1 "3","Who disguised herself as a Doctor of Laws ?","PORTIA","$" 1 "3","Where is the Gobi Desert ?","CHINA","$" 1 "3","What was the main event in a medieval tournament ?","JOUST","JOUSTING" 1 "3","What part of England is famous for its cherry orchards ?","KENT","$" 1 "3","For what does 'D' stand in Romanfigures ?","500","$" 1 "2","Who wrote 'Coriolanus' ?","SHAKESPEARE","$" 1 "2","Who was the wife of Napoleon ?","JOSEPHINE","$" 1 "2","Which tree ,according to legend,was once a Greek nymph ?","LAUREL","$" 1 "2","What is toxophily ?","ARCHERY","$" 1 "2","Name the only metal which is liquid at normal temperatures.","MERCURY","$" 1 "1","What was the ancient name for the city of Rome ?","OSTIA","$" 1 "1","What sport did Winston Churchillplay as a young man ?","POLO","$" 1 "1","Name the male goose .","GANDER","$" 1 "1","Linen is made from what plant ?","FLAX","$" 1 "1","Complete the pair,Brimstone and ____ .","TREACLE","$" 1 "0","With which sport do you associate the name of Larry Holmes ?","BOXING","$" 1 "0","Who is said to have fiddled while Rome burned ?","NERO","$" 1 "0","What is the name given to the green colouring matter in plants ?","CHLOROPHYLL","$" 1 "0","What are the rice fields called?","PADDY FIELDS","$" 1 "0","What are 3 musical performers called ?","TRIO","$" 1